64 research outputs found

    Ballistic Electron Emission Microscopy (BEEM) and Spectroscopy of Buried Semiconductor Heterostructures and Quantum Dots(STM-BEEM interfaces)

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    BEEM is a powerful, new low energy electron microscopy for imaging and spectroscopy of buried quantum objects and nondestructive local characterization of buried semiconductor heterostructures. We will present several applications : 1) Imaging and spectroscopy of 300Å InAs islands confined by GaAs potential barriers 2) Local conduction band offsets of GaSb self assembled quantum dots in GaAs 3) Spatial probing of the order-disorder transition in GaInP/GaAs heterostructures 4) Imaging of misfit dislocations at the InGaAs/GaAs interface buried 600Å below the surface 5) Conduction band structure of Ga

    Size-dependent surface luminescence in ZnO nanowires

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    Nanometer sized whiskers (nanowires) offer a vehicle for the study of size-dependent phenomena. While quantum-size effects are commonly expected and easily predicted, size reduction also causes more atoms to be closer to the surface. Here we show that intensity relations of below-band-gap and band-edge luminescence in ZnO nanowires depend on the wire radius. Assuming a surface layer wherein the surface-recombination probability is 1 (surface-recombination approximation), we explain this size effect in terms of bulk-related to surface-related material-volume ratio that varies almost linearly with the radius. This relation supports a surface-recombination origin for the deep-level luminescence we observe. The weight of this surface-luminescence increases as the wire radius decreases at the expense of the band-edge emission. Using this model, we obtain a radius of 30 nm, below which in our wires surface-recombination prevails. More generally, our results suggest that in quantum-size nanowires, surface-recombination may entirely quench band-to-band recombination, presenting an efficient sink for charge carriers that unless deactivated may be detrimental for electronic devices

    Catalytic hydride vapour phase epitaxy growth of GaN nanowires

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    Catalytic growth of GaN nanowires by hydride vapour phase epitaxy is demonstrated. Nickel-gold was used as a catalyst. Nanowire growth was limited to areas patterned with catalyst. Characterization of the nanowires with transmission electron microscopy, x-ray diffraction, and low temperature photoluminescence shows that the nanowires are stoichiometric 2H-GaN single crystals growing in the [0001] orientation when grown on sapphire, with occasional stacking faults along the c-axis as the only defect type observed in most of the wires. A red shift observed in the photoluminescence was too large to be explained by the minor strain observed alone, and was only marginally affected by temperature, suggesting a superposition of several factors

    A two-colour heterojunction unipolar nanowire light-emitting diode by tunnel injection

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    We present a systematic study of the current-voltage characteristics and electroluminescence of gallium nitride (GaN) nanowire on silicon (Si) substrate heterostructures where both semiconductors are n-type. A novel feature of this device is that by reversing the polarity of the applied voltage the luminescence can be selectively obtained from either the nanowire or the substrate. For one polarity of the applied voltage, ultraviolet (and visible) light is generated in the GaN nanowire, while for the opposite polarity infrared light is emitted from the Si substrate. We propose a model, which explains the key features of the data, based on electron tunnelling from the valence band of one semiconductor into the conduction band of the other semiconductor. For example, for one polarity of the applied voltage, given a sufficient potential energy difference between the two semiconductors, electrons can tunnel from the valence band of GaN into the Si conduction band. This process results in the creation of holes in GaN, which can recombine with conduction band electrons generating GaN band-to-band luminescence. A similar process applies under the opposite polarity for Si light emission. This device structure affords an additional experimental handle to the study of electroluminescence in single nanowires and, furthermore, could be used as a novel approach to two-colour light-emitting devices.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figure

    Scientific Wealth in Middle East and North Africa: Productivity, Indigeneity, and Specialty in 1981-2013.

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    Several developing countries seek to build knowledge-based economies by attempting to expand scientific research capabilities. Characterizing the state and direction of progress in this arena is challenging but important. Here, we employ three metrics: a classical metric of productivity (publications per person), an adapted metric which we denote as Revealed Scientific Advantage (developed from work used to compare publications in scientific fields among countries) to characterize disciplinary specialty, and a new metric, scientific indigeneity (defined as the ratio of publications with domestic corresponding authors) to characterize the locus of scientific activity that also serves as a partial proxy for local absorptive capacity. These metrics-using population and publications data that are available for most countries-allow the characterization of some key features of national scientific enterprise. The trends in productivity and indigeneity when compared across other countries and regions can serve as indicators of strength or fragility in the national research ecosystems, and the trends in specialty can allow regional policy makers to assess the extent to which the areas of focus of research align (or not align) with regional priorities. We apply the metrics to study the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)-a region where science and technology capacity will play a key role in national economic diversification. We analyze 9.8 million publication records between 1981-2013 in 17 countries of MENA from Morocco to Iraq and compare it to selected countries throughout the world. The results show that international collaborators increasingly drove the scientific activity in MENA. The median indigeneity reached 52% in 2013 (indicating that almost half of the corresponding authors were located in foreign countries). Additionally, the regional disciplinary focus in chemical and petroleum engineering is waning with modest growth in the life sciences. We find repeated patterns of stagnation and contraction of scientific activity for several MENA countries contributing to a widening productivity gap on an international comparative yardstick. The results prompt questions about the strength of the developing scientific enterprise and highlight the need for consistent long-term policy for effectively addressing regional challenges with domestic research

    Probing energy barriers and quantum confined states of buried semiconductor heterostructures with ballistic carrier injection: An experimental study

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    A three-terminal spectroscopy that probes both subsurface energy barriers and interband optical transitions in a semiconductor heterostructure is demonstrated. A metal-base transistor with a unipolar p-type semiconductor collector embedding InAs/GaAs quantum dots (QDs) is studied. Using minority/majority carrier injection, ballistic electron emission spectroscopy and its related hot-carrier scattering spectroscopy measures barrier heights of a buried AlxGa1-xAs layer in conduction band and valence band respectively, the band gap of Al0.4Ga0.6As is therefore determined as 2.037 +/- 0.009 eV at 9 K. Under forward collector bias, interband electroluminescence is induced by the injection of minority carriers with sub-bandgap kinetic energies. Three emission peaks from InAs QDs, InAs wetting layer, and GaAs are observed in concert with minority carrier injection.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Three-terminal field effect devices utilizing thin film vanadium oxide as the channel layer

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    Electrostatic control of the metal-insulator transition (MIT) in an oxide semiconductor could potentially impact the emerging field of oxide electronics. Vanadium dioxide (VO2) is of particular interest due to the fact that the MIT happens in the vicinity of room temperature and it is considered to exhibit the Mott transition. We present a detailed account of our experimental investigation into three-terminal field effect transistor-like devices using thin film VO2 as the channel layer. The gate is separated from the channel through an insulating gate oxide layer, enabling true probing of the field effect with minimal or no interference from large leakage currents flowing directly from the electrode. The influence of the fabrication of multiple components of the device, including the gate oxide deposition, on the VO2 film characteristics is discussed. Further, we discuss the effect of the gate voltage on the device response, point out some of the unusual characteristics including temporal dependence. A reversible unipolar modulation of the channel resistance upon the gate voltage is demonstrated for the first time in optimally engineered devices. The results presented in this work are of relevance toward interpreting gate voltage response in such oxides as well as addressing challenges in advancing gate stack processing for oxide semiconductors